Lisa Mensing
Jul 25, 2016
Perfect Days and Beach Linky Party with Craftin Desert Divas
Hello, friends! The theme for this Linky Party at Craftin Desert Divas is “BEACH”! We would love to see all of your projects that fit...
Lisa Mensing
Jun 29, 2016
Anything Goes and A Farewell with Crafty Gals Corner
It’s time for a new challenge over at CRAFTY GALS CORNER! ANYTHING GOES and A FAREWELL! It’s been a pleasure being on the Crafty Gals...
Lisa Mensing
Jun 12, 2015
Down By The Sea Party and SVG Attic Cape Cod Collection
Hi everyone! Today I’m sharing a Down By The Sea Themed Party. SVG ATTIC CAPE COD COLLECTION has a lot elements that can be used in so...
Lisa Mensing
May 18, 2015
Shake, Shake, Shake It with Eureka! Stamps Challenge #141
It’s time for a new challenge at EUREKA! STAMPS CHALLENGE BLOG SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE IT! Yep, that’s right, it’s all about shaker cards...